What Our Calculator Offers


Find Your Perfect Price Range

Know exactly how much house you can afford based on your income and expenses.


See How Interest Rates Impact You

Understand how different interest rates affect your monthly payments and overall budget.


Compare Different Down Payments

Explore how your down payment amount changes your mortgage terms and affordability.

Save Time House Hunting

Focus your search on homes within your budget for a more efficient buying experience.

Calculate Your Home Buying Power

0% 7.5% 15%

Your Results

Maximum Home Price: $320,000
Estimated Monthly Payment: $1,800
Loan Amount: $300,000
Debt-to-Income Ratio: 32%

“This calculator helped us understand exactly what we could afford and saved us so much time during our home search. We found our dream home within our budget!”

– Sarah & Mike, First-time Homebuyers